Brighter Minds Music

by Heartfulness Institute

Music & Audio


Brighter Minds is a unique whole brain wellness program, designed anddeveloped by a team of professionals who bring to the table their learning from diverse fields likeneuroscience, child health and development, public health, technology, marketing, media andcommunications. Unified by a passion for learning and a search for balance in developing the mind,body and spirit, we came together to explore the science behind it and share it with the nextgeneration.Brighter Minds is to inspire and equip every child with tools and methods to enhance cognitivefunctioning for achieving personal excellence, and to instil confidence in oneself.We believe that every child has within themselves the key to their potential. We help them find it byexercising different areas of their brain through well-researched techniques in an environment thatencourages love, joy and positivity. Having excelled in our chosen career paths, Brighter Minds is ourway of giving back to society by creating a brighter world, one child at a time.